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Respect. Showing genuine concern for yourself, others, and the world around you.

Character Pillar #1

Responsibility. Being accountable for your actions and accepting the consequences of those actions.

Character Pillar #2

Resiliency.  Rebounding from significant stresses with a positive attitude and sense of balance.Character Pillar #3

Integrity.  Reflecting trustworthiness, honesty and self-discipline.Character Pillar #4

Compassion.  Willing to share and give aid or support to all people; caring.Character Pillar #5

Understanding Diversity.  Realizing that everyone is unique and that all have their strengths and limitations.Character Pillar #6

Cokato Elementary News and Happenings

It's a great day to be a Charger!  Check out current events and happenings at Cokato Elementary though the articles below.

Summer CKC Registration Opens Soon!

Reserve your spot for summer childcare beginning Monday, January 13th!


Find out more

Congrats Mrs. Terning!

Congratulations Mrs.Terning, the 2024-2025 Cokato Elementary Educational Support Staff Recognition recipient.

Congrats Mrs. Laney!

Congratulations Mrs. Laney, the 2024-2025 Cokato Elementary Leadership in Educational Excellence Award recipient!

Upcoming Events